Friday, June 20, 2008

People Are the Worst…

So I mentioned in the ‘Tagged’ post below that one of my things to do that yesterday was call ATT wireless to inquire about mysterious charges on our cell phone bill. Well, I did that and discovered the mysterious charges were from 5 calls made to Mexico on Sunday, 6/8, totaling about $60.

On Saturday evening, 6/7, I went with my wife to her 10 year high school reunion and over the course of the night somehow misplaced my cell phone. I normally don’t misplace, or even lose, anything so when I got up the next day and noticed I couldn’t find my phone, I was more than just a little hacked off. Maybe I was being naïve but I really did think that whoever found it and would scroll through the contact list and call HOME or WIFE and tell us they found it. I think that just about everyone that I know would have done that so I wasn’t terribly worried. However, when that didn’t happen by mid afternoon that day, I had no choice but to go get a new cell phone (which was a pain because I had to chase down most of the phone numbers I had put in there).

Anyway, after talking to ATT wireless yesterday about the mysterious charges, I added 2 + 2 (I’m good at math) and realized someone found my phone and decided to take advantage of that and make some free international calls…or at least free to them as it wasn’t their phone and wouldn’t be charged for the calls. However, the ATT customer service rep was accommodating and after looking through our last 3 cell phone statements and seeing no international calls, of any kind much less to Mexico, they removed the charges/taxes generated from those calls so we didn’t have to pay for those calls after all.

The audacity of this just kills me though and, as you can tell, I’m still stewing over it. I’m not perfect, by any means, but this kind of thing is ridiculous. Kind of reminds me of the 2 teenage girls who stole the money from a girl scout selling cookies…and weren’t the least bit sorry about it. And I bet whoever found my phone didn’t think twice about taking it either. Sometimes, people are just the worst…

Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

It’s been a little while since I went to the movies so I told dear old dad to see the latest Indiana Jones installment this past weekend for Father’s Day. If you haven’t seen it yet, you might want to stop reading here because I’m going to give away some of the plot/details of the story.

First off, let me say that anytime I see Raiders of the Lost Ark on TV, I stop down for it. I remember going to see that, with my dad, when I was in 2nd grade (or thereabouts). It was pure greatness. Harrison Ford was great, the writing of George Lucas and direction of Spielberg was fantastic and the musical score of John Williams has since become a classic.

Then came the second installment, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I liked this one ok but not as much as Raiders. It was a little gory for a PG movie (this was the movie that prompted the creation of the PG-13 rating) and the story wasn’t as good as it was in Raiders. However, Temple of Doom did have the best action sequence, of the series, with the chase through the mine tunnels.

Then came the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade which was suppose to be the final film in the series (hence the name Last Crusade). I remember Harrison Ford even gave his leather jacket, whip and fedora hat he wore to the Smithsonian after this movie was released. This installment was just a tick below Raiders, as far as greatness goes. It was funnier than the first two and the addition of Sean Connery, as Indiana Jones’ father, was outstanding. The story was also better than Temple of Doom with Indy getting back on the trail of a religious artifact (the Holy Grail) just like in Raiders (Ark of the Covenant).
So, the bar was really pretty high for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I think everyone was expecting the same level of greatness that Raiders and the Last Crusade brought…I know I was. However, after watching it, I left the theater a little disappointed.

George Lucas wrote Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and while I recognize Lucas’ greatness I think he missed the mark on this one (as he did with Episode I – The Phantom Menace). First off the story line was a bit hokey. The artifacts Indy was chasing before had nothing to do with aliens but for some reason Lucas felt the need to shoe horn an extra-terrestrial element into this installment. That was pretty hard to get by. Also, I know the previous movies in the series had special effects in them from ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) but it seemed like this one had more than the others which turned me off a little. I’m fine with a certain amount of computer animation and such but it got a little too much in Kingdom. The sequence where Shia LaBeouf is swinging through the trees with all the monkeys, like Tarzan, was just ridiculous and the movie would have been better without it. And speaking of Shia LaBeouf, I smell more installments of this series with him being the lead due to the fact that he is Indy’s son.

As much bashing as I just did however, the movie wasn’t awful…just not what I expected. I was entertained, which is the aim of most adventure movies and Harrison Ford did make me laugh a few times. And while it could have been better, it was a decent movie.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well, I was tagged by my wife, on her blog, to answer the following questions. So, without any further ado (what is ado anyway?), here we go:

1) What was I doing 10 years ago?

June of 1998, I was working as a camp counselor at Sky Ranch. I worked there during the summers of ‘96-’99. Working out there is the best college job I can think of. Although, the summer of ‘98 was the second hottest Texas summer on record (#1 was in 1980). It was at least 100 degrees every day from the second week of May through the first week in August that summer. And even though it took me all summer to get it, working outside 90% of the time in 100+ degree weather, I had a pretty good tan by the time camp was over with. That will probably be the last time in my life I will have a decent tan though…

2) What are five things on my list to do today?

-Call ATT wireless to inquire about mysterious charges on cell phone bill.
-Post this on my blog.
-Call the landscaping guy to postpone landscaping our front yard until early next spring.
-Fill out mail in rebate (I hate mail in rebates) form and mail to ATT wireless for my wife’s new cell phone.

3) What snacks do I enjoy?

-Chips and salsa/queso/guac
-Chex mix
-Most kinds of fruit
-Ice cream…or really most anything that is sweet, unfortunately

4) Where are all the places I’ve lived?

-Midland, TX (born there but only live there until we were 6 months old)
-Richardson, TX
-Tulsa, OK
-Starkville, MS
-Van, TX (during the summers of ‘96-’99)
-San Marcos, TX
-Dallas, TX
-Richardson, TX

5) What would I do if I was given a billion dollars?

-I would quit my job.
-So I wouldn’t forget later, I would give 10-15% to our church and/or some other charitable organization like Buckner.
-I would pay off any debt we have and then pay off the debt for any of my immediate family members and my wife’s immediate family members.
-I would want to sell our current house and buy another one. Not a super extravagant house, like superstar athletes/actors have, but a new house, with updated appliances and such, big enough for our family.
-Same as above, except for our vehicles. I would get a car to drive around the majority of the time and one that I would drive every once in a while, like a supped up Saleen Mustang, (which I would take over to the Autobahn in Germany just to see how fast I could go in it).
-Purchase season tickets for Cowboys, Mavs, Stars, Rangers.
-I would travel all over the world. Places I would go first: Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, Italy, Australia, and Switzerland (to snow ski…and maybe get a new watch). I would also go back to where Carole and I honeymooned, Playa Del Carmen (Mexico).
-I would sleep in as much as possible.
-I would take SCUBA diving lessons and get certified. Then travel to Grand Cayman to SCUBA dive.
-I would think about purchasing a professional sports franchise...depending on cost and which one I could get.

Well, that’s all I can think of for now sports fans. Hope you enjoyed.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pure Domination

The Celtics went from winning only 24 games, during the ‘06-‘07 season, to 66 wins and the NBA championship in the ‘07-‘08 season. Last night Boston whipped a pretty hapless Laker team 131-92 which was the 2nd largest margin of victory (39 points) in a finals game in NBA history (#1 was in ’98 when the Bulls beat the Jazz 96-54). The game was really over at half time as the Lakers didn’t seem to be that interested in putting up much of a fight. So as LA just laid down seemingly accepting their fate, Boston just poured on their dominance with 3 pointers, blocking shots, getting offensive rebounds, hustling, etc. Boston played the whole game like they were behind by 10 points and not ahead by 23, as they were at half time.

When the Finals started, I thought it was going to be a good series because the Lakers had been so dominant in the Western Conference playoffs and Boston had been pretty iffy in the Eastern Conference playoffs. I thought that Kobe’s drive and determination would virtually will the rest of his team to win the championship. However, just like last year, we saw that a stifling defense can shut down superstar talent (the Spurs swept LeBron and his Cavs last year). Kobe never really put together a solid game. He had quarters of games that he played brilliantly but not a full game. The Celtics held Kobe to 40% shooting in the Finals so I give them the credit for that. Boston was the best defensive team in the regular season and they were the best in the playoffs which is a big reason they can add a 17th championship trophy to their collection.

Aside from Kobe’s inconsistency in the Finals, where was the rest of the Laker team? The Lakers two other big guns, Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom, were virtual no shows. Gasol had one good game, in the six played, but for the most part was horrible…flat out horrible. It was his first time to the NBA Finals so I don’t know if the pressure got to him or what. The Laker bench also didn’t produce the way I thought it would. Key bench players like Fisher, Radmonovic and Vujacic didn’t step up when Boston limited Kobe’s production. In fact, those guys reminded me of the Mavericks because they all seemed very content in parking themselves out around the 3 point arc and firing jump shots from there.

Another thing entered my mind as I was watching the Lakers get humiliated. If the Lakers are the best that the Western Conference has, was the West overrated this year? All year people, myself included, raved about how good the Western Conference was and how tight the race was for the playoffs when in the east it was really only a two horse race between Boston and Detroit. Even the Western Conference playoffs weren’t as good as advertised because the home team won, most of the time by a huge margin, the majority of the time. So maybe we all ought to tap the brakes a bit on extolling the greatness of the West. I know I will.

As I’ve said, I’m tired of the Boston sports scene being top dog but if they’re the best, then there’s not much you can say about it. And there is no doubt Boston was the best team in the NBA this season.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Now You Know...

Think the information/technological age is moving rapidly? You may not know how rapid it is moving until you watch this...

Simply you know.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The NBA Finals: I Thought They Would Be Better

I was so geared up for the finals once I saw the two best teams in the NBA would be playing each other. Added to that is the fact that it's Celtics-Lakers. I really thought this would be going to a game 7 with every game going down to the wire with contested shots, controversial calls and frightingly sick shots, with the game on the line, by Kobe/Paul Pierce. Needless to say with the Celtics up 3-1 in the series, I've been a bit disappointed. I was also disappointed in the Western Conference playoffs this year, but that's another story.

I'm not a Lakers fan by any stretch of the imagination but I've been rooting for them in this series mainly because I'm sick of the Boston sports scene ruling the roost this year. The Red Sox won the World Series, the Patriots were the best team in the NFL (even though they lost the SB (woohoo!)), Boston College had a shot at national championship game and a Heisman finalist and the Celtics finished their season with the best overall record in the NBA winning 66 games. I imagine a lot of my dislike of the Boston sports fan is sour grapes. I mean, if Dallas were in the same position, I would be on cloud nine. But it's Bah-stahn, where they pahk their cahr in the yahd.

The other night while watching Kobe and his Lakers cough up a 20+ point second half lead and lose the game, I almost felt the way I did when the Mavs lost a tough game...I couldn't beleive it. Plus the Lakers are from the Western conference, not the Leastern, so I would like to see them win. But I don't think it's gonna happen. No team that has been down 3-1 in the NBA Finals has ever come back to win the championship so I think it's church for the Lakers. And then the soap opera that is Kobe Bryant will start back up. Hopefully we will be spared from his incesant moaning about being traded, etc. but anything can happen at this point. Hey, I thought the Lakers would win the series so nothing at this point will surprise me.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More of the Eroding of Today's Youth

If the girls who stole the girl scout money didn't get you fired up, just take a look at this 7 year old:

I love what he thought his punishment should video games for a whole weekend. But the trouble doesn't end there for this young lad:

If he's this bad at age 7, what is going to be like at age 15 or 16? The person I really feel sorry for is his grandmother.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Days of Our Valley Ranch

Well, it's been a little busy for me the past couple of weeks so I haven't gotten to post my thoughts on the soap opera that is the Dallas Cowboys. I swear it's something new just about every week. But as far as the past couple of weeks go, there's no shortage of posting material:

Pac Man's Jones has been cleared to play...sort of.

The NFL Commish clear Pac Man to start practicing with the team. He can participate in training camp and even play in preseason games. The Commish will rule on full reinstatement just before the season gets going but I'm willing to bet Jerry makes sure that Pac Man keeps his nose clean so his reinstatement will be a non issue. Pac Man has been working out with the team during OTAs this week and even ran back an interception for a TD during drills.

Make no mistake, I'm on record as saying I didn't want this guy in a Cowboys uni. And really, I still don't. He IS a criminal element (as opposed to TO Owens who is just a petulant child) and "you are what you are" as Big Bill would say. So, I don't really think this guy will change his ways just because he is with a different team. However, the one thing that MIGHT be his saving grace is the fact that he is working out with Deion Sanders. I truly think Jerry called Deion and threw some money his way to come mentor Pac Man. Do I think it will work? Doubtful in the long term. I think Pac Man will keep his nose clean and stay out of trouble 1 year max and that is just because he knows the spotlight directly on him. However, I think the Cowboys will have success this year and go back to the Super Bowl, with the help of Pac Man. Who knows if they will win or not but with that kind of success comes all the temptations he had before except multiplied by a factor of 10...and I don't think he will be able to resist.

However, until he does slip up, he has made Dallas' secondary into the NFC's (if not the NFL's) best. With Hamlin at safety (and possibly moving Anthony Henry back to saftey), Pac Man and Newman at the corners the acquisition of CB Mike Jenkins in the draft plus the benefit of one of the best defensive coaches (but NOT head coach) in the leagues in Dave Campo, the defensive backfield can once again be feared as it was in the early to mid 90's.

Notice I did leave one players name off the list and even though my wife got a Polaroid with him when he visited Baylor hospital, I don't think Roy Williams will be that much of a factor this year (just like last year). If any coach can get it out of him, Campo can but IF Roy doesn't get back to the level he was when he entered the league, he won't be wearing the blue star much longer. My opinion: this will be the last year Roy suits up for Dallas.

TO Owen's new Contract

Another player I was on record saying I didn't want to see wear a blue star was TO Owens. He is high maintenance and pretty childish at times. But, he has produced like no other WR for Dallas and has been an integral cog in the offense (Owens and Romo dang near beat Washington last year by themselves). I feel about Owens much like I felt about Deion when he played for Dallas: I don't like him as a person but I recognize his greatness and, as long as Dallas keeps him happy, I'm glad the Cowboys can utilize his talent.

Owens just got his contract newed and I had not one problem with it. Some people thought he was too old for a contract like this but this is the going rate for a highly productive WR: four years, $34 million (Signing Bonus: $12.9 million). Base salaries: 2008 - $830,000; 2009 - $2.670 million (He will also receive a roster bonus of $3.1 million); 2010 - $7.5 million; 2011 - $7 million. This year's cap number is $5.721 million, followed by $8.995 million (2009), $10.725 million (2010) and $10.225 million (2011). I seriously doubt he will see the end of that contract, due to his age, but right now (especially since Terry Glenn may not get back at all) it's a good deal.

I could also post on the yearly bitch session that Greg Ellis throws out there but I won't except that I will say he needs to quit moaning over his reps in OTAs, get out there and play. He knows he is valuable to this team and wants to get his way but I'm tired of hearing his mouth.

I'm quite sure that the summer won't be quiet around Valley Ranch as Jerry needs to figure out what they are going to do with Terry Glenn and, if he isn't back, what they can do to upgrade their WR spot opposite Owens. I don't think he is done wheelin' and dealin' but it's anybodies guess who will be in that spot on opening day.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Eroding of Today’s Youth

Are you as incensed as I am about the arrogance of these two girls?

Rediculous! Would love to see what their parents thought of this...more than likely they didn't bat an eye.